Managing Peri-Menopause & Menopause Naturally

Menopause is a natural life stage, it is not a disease. Managing menopausal symptoms is only one part of the bigger picture that encompasses women as they transit through these midlife changes, from Peri-Menopause to Menopause.


Are you suffering from menopausal symptoms such as:

-hot flushes and night sweats ?

-feeling irritable or anxious, or feeling depressed ?

-brain fog, loss of short-term memory ?

-restless sleep or insomnia ?

-skin has become dry & wrinkled

-experiencing joint pain or headaches ?

-weight gain, especially in the midsection and emotional eating ?

If you are experiencing any of the above Menopausal Symptoms, including brain fog or battling with your memory, or you are feeling Anxious or stressed, or are feeling unhappy during this Stage of your Life then we recommend that you combining Healthy Eating with Natural Menopause Supplements along with other Natural Supplements that can assist you. Many of our clients are now using these natural products that we recommend and are feeling the relief emotionally and physically, and the products are available at local stores and are affordable.

We would suggest that you book your Online Zoom Consultation so that we can assist you and so that we can recommend the correct natural supplements for you to take to assist you and to help you to feel better. Once you have contacted us to book we will send you our Client Health Questionaire to complete before your Consultation, so that we can assist you with your specific concerns.

Transisting Menopause and hormonal chaos

During a woman’s reproductive life, her ovaries produce two important hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, and as she approaches menopause her ovarian function declines and so does production of these two hormones. It can take a woman 2 to 7 years to transit menopause and this stage of fluctuating hormones (and hence irregular cycles) is recognised by many as a time of “hormonal chaos”.

During this time up to 80% of women will suffer from both physical and emotional symptoms, including hot flushes, sweats, anxiety and insomnia. The severity of these symptoms dictates that these women need help – and are looking for effective remedies.

The bothersome factor – menopausal hot flushes and sweats and mood swings

Menopausal hot flushes are naturally hormonally driven, however they are also influenced by stress and diet.

It may help if you identify and address any stress or diet related factors that may exacerbate your hot flushes. When it comes to nutrition eat regularly (at least every 3 hours), eat less (not more) and think fresh food  i.e. in season, fresh and unprocessed food. Eat a combination of good quality protein (e.g. fish, organic chicken, cultured dairy) with a colourful palate of antioxidant / antiageing fruits and vegetables.

Relax before meals and eat dinner (early) at the table. And on another note, alcohol and caffeine both may promote hot flushes – so you may find that reducing your intake of these could improve your symptoms.

A good diet is the foundation of a healthy life. At midlife, eating well may help reduce menopausal symptoms. So the question is – what does eating well at midlife entail ? Our Healthy Eating Meal Plan will help you on your way to follow a Healthy Eating Lifestyle. Please contact us if you would like us to create your Personalised Meal Plan to assist you with staying Healthy and Slim during all stages of your life.

We also would also like to recommend taking a Natural Supplement called Femular, many of our women clients are benefiting from taking this product.

Femular by Flordis

Relief can be found in a once daily dosing of Femular by Flordis, a specific extract of Actaea racemose (Black Cohosh) proven effective in a number of clinical trials in Switzerland to reduce the incidence and severity of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes and sweats, improve mood within 2-4 weeks and with continued improvement over 3 and 9 months.

Femular picture

®For the symptomatic relief of menopausal symptoms

Are you suffering from menopausal symptoms such as:

  • -hot flushes and night sweats ?
  • -feeling irritable or anxious ?
  • -experiencing joint pain or headaches ?

These are just some of the symptoms that many women experience during menopause.

The good news ?  Femular may help.

Femular is a once daily, clinically proven herbal medicine shown to relieve menopausal symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, fatigue, irritability and mild anxiety. Femular is well tolerated with no known drug interactions and its once-a-day dosing makes it simple to take.

The Femular Difference

Femular contains a specific extract of the Actaea racemosa -Ze 450, which is the same extract used in clinical trials shown to relieve a range of menopausal symptoms. Femular has been shown to have a 50% reduction in menopausal symptom severity and a 60% reduction in hot flushes/night sweats. Symptom improvement has been seen after 1 month and significant improvement can occur after 3 months with continual improvement for a further 6 months.

Femular has been the subject of clinical trials and ongoing safety reviews.  With over 65 million daily doses sold since 2005, it has demonstrated that it is well tolerated and has no known drug interactions. Femular also shows a dose-dependent effect so for those experiencing moderate to severe symptoms, 2 tablets daily may be suitable for you.

Femular is a natural medicine manufactured in Switzerland according to high quality Good Manufacturing Practices, this helps ensure a consistently reliable medicine.

Femular – 30 tablets 

Recommended dosage and directions:

Once daily at first sign of menopausal symptoms:
For mild symptoms: Femular 1 tablet daily (52% improvement)
For moderate to severe symptoms: 2 tablets of Femular daily (74% improvement)

Menopause Naturally Your Guide to a Healthy Midlife and Beyond

Healthy Life - Menopause

DOWNLOAD the free Menopause Naturally Guide to help promote a happier and healthier midlife !

If you are experiencing Anxiety & are feeling Stressed, or are feeling unhappy during this Stage of your Life we recommend that you combine the Femular with a few other Natural Supplements that we can recommend for you. To assist you with feeling calmer, both are natural products, continue reading to find out more about Solal Theanine, it gives a general feeling of well-being and calmness, it relieves anxiety and assists with anxiety attacks. Calming effects can be experienced within 20 minutes.

Solal Theanine can assist with Mood, Stress & Sleep

Stress, anxiety and emotional imbalances play a big role in our overall health and well-being. During episodes of stress, our body releases fight or flight hormones which prepare the body for action when threatened. When these hormones are constantly released as a result of chronic stress, the body is depleted of its energy and enters a state of chronic fatigue, which affects the body cognitively, emotionally, behaviourally and physically. However stress and anxiety are affecting you, identifying it and managing it is vitally important.

You can assist the body with natural supplements that manage stress and anxiety and improve your quality of life.

Solal L-Theanine

Solal Theanine

L-Theanine is a non-addictive amino acid that acts as a mild, non-sedating relaxant. L-Theanine is evidenced to reduce mental and physical stress and increase feelings of relaxation.

L-Theanine   300mg     (60 tablets)

Dosage Directions Adults: Take 1 capsule twice daily on an empty stomach.


L-Theanine creates an alert yet totally relaxed state of mind without drowsiness. The brand of L-theanine is clinically proven to reduce emotional and physical stress, improve the quality of sleep, and diminish normal symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It heightens mental acuity and reduces negative side effects of caffeine.

Both of these products Femular & Solal Theanine can be purchased at your local Pharmacy, or Dischem Stores.

Please contact us if you have any Nutritional questions or if you would like to book an Online Consultation to order your Personalised Meal Plan to assist you with staying Healthy during all stages of your life. To refer a friend to our Informative Website, simply go to our “Tell a Friend” link on our Website sidebar and invite a friend to visit our website, or simply tell them about us. We look forward to assisting you with your health.

Kevin Naude’ & Tanya Naude’

Body Sculpt Doc – Kevin Naude’, Nutrition & Weight Loss 

Kevin Naude’ – 082 6644108

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